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Obersand understands that " human specie, this present global situation is happening as if we were going through one of those stages ". She  kind of jokes around with her kids when explaining and comparing our evolutional stage with some type of seriously rebellious adolescence, as we all may get into occasionally. But you know what?... Art is here to help" .

— she says.


In her interest for implementing Art since early childhood, and against those odds any mother can

beat, surely at this point, her

teenager sons are conscious that:

Nothing costs to be a good example for a child." 


This results of utter importance, when one is also

aware the younger population will always

be the foremost vulnerable target-directed victims of

often self-destructive misconceived perceptions. 


Meanwhile, we all know that preservation of the specie is one of  the most basic traits

of our survival instincts and since she believes that right there is where the relevance of  trusting the gut  comes from; without falling into being deeply visceral, her motto has been inspired in reinvigorating her community by participating

with conscious personal contributions that carry,

in the most basic and simple of the definitions: 

a conservational purpose.


For sure in this ambit everybody is welcome!,

but her way is focusing the youngest into creative projects where they can actually see tangible results, 

as the satisfaction feeling is the most soothing

reward at any stage of our lives, and the only real reason we get motivated to take action about something (not the physical superficial award/reward itself but the chemical/hormonal one).


As Obersand states: "...focusing in our children's joyful development, will create generational changes... at this stage as specie, one is intelligent enough to choose the time line".


Committed with the community, with one eye on ancestral principles and the other in science's advancement (as the reflection of evolution),

devoted to the idea that restoring starts from

within, as well as it starts in the now, she also

decants herself painting simple shapes, symbols

with purposeful messages.


Always happy to be committed with her community (as she sees in it a big family) Obersand E. Franco currently finds herself as well, tremendously excited about having just published her first book of what will become a Saga of three books, and at the same time designing an On-line Workshop for kids, as part of the Passion for Art Foundation. 


She also has been volunteering for 10+ years as the

Director of Children's Affairs at the

Siqueiros Foundation of the Arts,

because she sees in the act of serving others,

a way of turning this grounds into a more

fruitful soil to live:


— Kids are seeds, let's help them sprout!... "


Let's Network!!

Thanks for staying in touch, I'll keep you updated about upcoming events... 


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